On a national level it has been recorded that there is an increase of babies that are born either early or sick. A large population of those babies are from low income families. Low income families lose out on eating fresh, organic and/or at least pesticide free, clean food. Much of what they feed a growing baby with is highly processed foods and produce from farms that use fertilizers and pesticides, these foods lack the nutrients that are needed to be healthy. Our vision is to provide low income pregnant mothers and mothers who are breastfeeding with healthy, clean, pesticide free, local produce. Our program will support sustainable, organic, healthy babies before they are born. Along with serving these women with nutrient rich food, we will be educating them on ways to eat healthy and how to prepare the food we give them. We will also be running a research study on the difference our program makes with promoting healthy babies and therefore a healthy community. It will involve data collection from the start of our service to at least four months after birth.
This program target low income families, but is in no mean limited to low income. We promote eating Organic, and that is what we serve to you.